
Club Aktivitäten:

Personal Enrichment – foreign language conversation groups, book discussions, … we hope you will pick up something new through your membership with us.

Fitness and Leisure – fun is the motto here. Tennis, Golf, walks… there are so many things to do.


  • Deutsch :     
  • English conversation:                Anmeldung:   G. Kraemer
  • Französisch:                                  Anmeldung:   A. Panitz
  • Spanisch:
  • Golf:                                                
  • Bridge:                                            Anmeldung:   G.Kraemer
  • Doppelkopf:                                   Anmeldung:   U.Kirchhoff &  B.Braun
  • Mahjong :                                        
  • Literatur Kreis (International):  Anmeldung:  B. Mellert & A. Hesse
  • Literatur (Roman):                       Annmeldung:   A. Panitz


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